Rodent Control & Prevention Products

UK manufacturer and supplier of amateur & professional rodent pest products for controlling and preventing rats and mice within and around buildings.

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Rodent Control

The following categories cover the majority of steps when controlling rodent pests within and around buildings.

The first and most crucial step in rodent eradication is the control of any current infestation, this is recommended before the application of prevention works. The usual approach for controlling rodents is using rodent poison or snap traps; both are excellent ways for rodent control but have limitations and additional risks, especially for non-target animals.

  • Rat & Mouse Traps are an excellent way to control emerging and established rat infestations, once placed and set, the target rodent will enter and trigger a mechanism that will quickly kill the rodent humanely. Rodents can be cautious of traps initially, especially when placed within active infestations and results are not always instant.
  • Rat & Mouse Poison (Commonly known as rodenticide) can be a faster method of rodent control, especially within more extensive and established infestations. It’s important to note that rodenticides should be used only when other control methods have been unsuccessful.
  • Rodent Proofing is considered one of the essential steps in any rodent treatment, especially after successful treatment. Roshield has many solutions to help stop and prevent future infestations, the majority of products are easy-to-install and commonly used by both professional and amateur users.
  • Baiting & Trap Accessories include products that complement the above control methods, e.g. tamper-resistant bait stations for rodenticide to comply with UK regulations and prevent non-target animals.
  • Cleaning & Odour Control are valuable products for dealing with the issues associated with rodent infestations and their control. Rats, in particular, are well documented to be associated with a wide range of bacteria and viruses, and steps should be taken to remove these from an infestation site.
  • Tools & PPE include products useful when dealing with our pesticide products, such as rodenticides or when handling rodent bodies. We also have a range of application devices, including sprayers, to complement our sprayable products.